Sunday, August 12, 2007

Tuesday, July 31st

Yesterday's run went well. I skipped Monday because I felt I had pulled something at the race Saturday and needed a little more rest. So yesterday I did the new Monday routine, Tempo runs. In the tempo run, I run 8 minutes at race pace and walk 5 minutes, then repeat. I was looking forward to this because it would be less running time. I thought it might be a little easier, to be honest. It was actually pretty tough, though. By the time I made it home, I decided that I would rather do 30 minutes at a relaxed pace. However, I can see how this will strengthen me so much more than an easy 30 minutes might.
I think I am going to enjoy the new running schedule because it has so much variety. Mondays will be tempo runs. Tuesdays will be 20 minutes of cross training, such as bike riding. Wednesdays will be a speed run workout, with 30-60 second bursts of speed mixed in. Fridays will be a Fun Run, where we an run 30 minutes however we want...on trails, on the road, etc. Then Saturdays will be the group run. It sounds comlicated, I know. But it's reall not. And it takes up only about 30 minutes of my time on the days I am running. I usually do it early, so that the rest of my day is open. It also seems to get my morning started on the right foot.
I also hiked a couple of miles today. I am really sore from that. I hope that doesn't come back to haunt me!

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