Saturday, July 28, 2007

Celebration Run

Today was the Celebration 5K run. It was the culmination of 10 weeks of learning to run. The course took us through the paved park trails, grassy fields and a wooded trail.
We woke up to heavy gray skies and rain. It is always tempting to stay at home on days like this. Yet, we stuck to the plan. We packed up the kids (the girls had slept in their running clothes!) and headed out.
On arrival we all pinned on our bibs and then watched the kids race. Abbey and Jenna were awesome! Abbey said she came in 4th place! Jenna actually ran the whole thing without me by her side! They both got ribbons.
Danny, Eli, Benn and I lined up for our race. Then Abbey wanted to try it, too. She ran with her grandmother whose running pace is a little slower. She ended up doing one loop of the two loop race, but her grandmother says she was running ahead and coming back a lot, so we think she probably ran at least 2 miles! Great job Abbey!!
As soon as I started running I knew I was probably running faster than I should at the start. I wasn't sure I could keep up that pace for the entire race. But this was a race so I decided to go for it. I hit one mile at 9 min. 36 sec. Then I hit 2 miles at 19:11. The last leg was certainly the hardest. It was raining, so I couldn't tell what was sweat and what was rain. I am thankful for the rain because it probably kept me cooled off a lot! I ended up running the race at 29 minutes 57 seconds. I improved my first 5K and ran pretty consistent with my weekday run times.
Prizes were awarded at the end to the different age groups. Benn ended up winning 2nd place for 19 and under, I won second place for my age group and Danny won 2nd for his age group! My running mother-in-law won 3rd for age group. We even got medals! Way to go guys!!!
We got our next phase running plans. I can't wait to get started on these. We will be doing more specific training for speed and endurance. I think I am ready for that!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Grief and Running

This morning early we discovered the loss of four of our five parakeets. They lived in an outdoor aviary. There is no entry point, so whatever got them was very wily. This is a sad day for our family. “Roberta” (who used to be Robert, until we discovered he was a she) was my oldest son's very first bird. She's been around more than 5 years. “Keet” was the first bird we saw grow from egg to adult. He joined us this last Christmas. My oldest son was spending the night a this cousin's house, so we have yet to break the news to him. He will be devastated.
As I stood at the aviary contemplating the whirlwind of thoughts and emotion, I knew I needed to run it out. I put on my running shoes and ran.
Pound, pound, pound...
As my feet pounded the road, I thought of my running buddy who lost her dog a few months ago, I thought of the women running who are grieving lost loved ones. I understood how running is something they have to do.
Pound, pound, pound...
I thought of the day my son got the first bird and how we ended up with five birds. I said a prayer for my son who is really going to feel this loss. (wipe the tears away) He has been growing up so much lately. He's a true teenager now and I think this is going to be another door of boyhood closing.
Pound, pound, pound...
I thought of how it was my idea to build the aviary becasue I couldn't stand to have all of those birds inside any longer. I wondered if my son will be angry with me as he grieves?
Pound, pound, pound...
I thought of all of the other pets we have and how much we love them. If we never loved them, it wouldn't hurt so much to lose them. I thought of my dog, Jip, who I wish could live forever. (wipe more tears away)
Pound, pound, pound...
I ran slow and steadily struggling up the hills. I focused on getting to the top one step at a time, where I would feel like I had scaled Mount Everest. I thought about how we get through life one step at a time. It's a struggle some days, but we can make it. I know that because running has taught me that I am stronger than I think.
Pound, pound, pound...
I made it 3 miles in 30 minutes. The sadness of the day has tempered my excitement. Instead I feel grateful that I had this outlet for sorting through my grief. I feel a little more focused and able to face it. Instead of grief just being a heavy weight, I feel more like it is a part of this journey called life.

Monday, Monday

This is a recap of Monday's run...
14-1, 14-1
I almost wondered why I was even walking that one minute. It flew by so fast! The air was very cool and I felt much faster and lighter than I have been all summer. I can't wait for fall runs!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Here's Looking at You, Kids!!

Today was a great morning at the Greenville iRUN. I brought my daughter Abbey and had settled myself to running her pace. Several other little girls were also there this morning, so we made a group run of it. Those little girls were fast. They had a hard time with pacing and running long distance, but they kicked up the dust when they sprinted!! So we did a lot of running in spurts. The girls even did some trail running! All I have to say is “Watch out world!” If they can do this when they are 6 and 8, what will they be doing when they are my age?
Since we got back a little early, I got to see my mother-in-law finish running her first 30 minutes without stopping!! I had the privilege of coaching her though her last four minutes. We were conversing about Harry Potter and other things when she reminded me how she could barely get through 2 minutes without gasping for air just 9 weeks ago! She made it to 30 minutes and looked positively wonderful! Way to go!!
We have all come so far. Next Saturday morning is our celebration run and party. 10 weeks will have taken us from our couches to running 30 minutes without stopping, wow!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Against the Wind

That's how I felt as I ran today. I wasn't planning on running since my husband had to go to work extra early. But he woke me up when he returned from his run. His face was glowing, his blood was flowing and he was sure I had time. So I did it. Usually I will get going on my run and feel alive and glad I'm out there on the road. Today I never really found my pace or felt ready to go further. There was even a beautiful cool breeze blowing on my face the entire time. Maybe I wasn't hydrated enough, maybe I just never made the mental adjustment this morning, maybe I didn't stretch enough? Maybe some mornings are just like that?
Run 13 walk 2 run 14 walk 2

Thursday, July 19, 2007

13-2 15-2

Yesterday my goal was to stick to the program and run 13, walk 2 twice. I almost succeeded, but I was so close to the end of the road at my second 13 that I went ahead and finished it. It is amazing that I am feeling good after these runs. My knee is not bothering me, my muscles aren't as sore. In one and a half more weeks, I should be running thirty minutes without stopping. What a journey!

I am not sure if I have lost any weight since I began this program. I have yet to step on a scale. Running has made me feel healthier, so I don't want to eat as poorly as I was eating before. I know I am making better choices. I am also taking my girls running today because they are begging me to go. Just another great benefit of me running!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Farm Road Frolic- A Country 5K

I ran a 5K this morning! It wasn't a race, it was just a measured distance on the road near my house. however, I did have an audience cheering me along the way.
There was the gardening man who said, “That's what I should be doing...”
“Come on out, it feels great to be running!”
“Maybe next week.” he muttered.
He doesn't know there is a runner inside of him yet. Maybe he feels like I used to. Maybe he thinks that running is only for certain know...runners. Maybe he thinks he would probably have a heart attack if he ran more than 10 minutes, I used to. On my way back in, he was still in his chair, but he cheered me on to the finish line.
Then there were the horses glancing at me through their manes, the cows who quit chewing their cud and stared at me in awe as I passed them with speed and agility. (I can imagine, can't I?) All of the chipmunks and rabbits scurried out of my way before I ran over them. I think I saw one of the chipmunks peering at me from his hole. I think they are all amazed at the difference in my running. When I first started I would pant past the horses and I don't think I even made it as far as the cows. The rabbits sat still and watched me trudge by knowing I was not a threatening predator.
Except for all of the hills around here, I love running in the country. There is not a lot of traffic, the scenery is peaceful and pleasant. The hills are making me stronger, though. I really have to pay attention and pace myself on them. But I did find one of the hills I have been struggling with to be easier today!
Today's run: 15(min) run, 1(min) walk, 7 run ( a very steep hill) 4 walk, 9 run. A total of 36 minutes for a pretty tough 5K.
By the way, I had pretty much decided that it was too hot, I was too tired and my knee might hurt if I ran today. “Nah, I'm not going to run...Maybe tonight” And we all know how that goes. Then I just couldn't stand it. I decided I would go do an easy run, just to get my blood going. I told myself I did not have to run the entire 30 minutes, because something would be better than nothing.I'm so glad I made myself do it: )

Saturday, July 14, 2007

You Must be a Runner!

I looked around to see who this lady was talking to and realized she meant me! Me?
After the group run this morning I headed out to a few yard sales still in my running shorts and, ever so stylish, Run-In performance shirt. I looked like a runner, all right. And I felt like a runner after the run I did this morning, too. I ran 13 minutes, walked 1 and then ran 20 minutes! I would never have done that at home, but I was running with the coaches right beside me telling me what a good runner I was and encouraging me to go on. They were giving me tips and hints about knee care and running on hills and trails. They were talking about cadence and form. I am still figuring out what all that means, but with these coaches coming along side of me, I know I will get it soon enough.
To be honest, I can't believe I ran that long and can still stand up tonight! I remember when running two minutes made me breathe fast. I remember when five minutes seemed impossible and today I did 20 without even realizing it. I know I keep mentioning the 2 minutes, 5 minutes, etc. Remembering gives me courage and hope that I will be running harder and farther one day. And I will have fun doing it.
My knees were aching a little but I iced them and now they are doing great. I am heading back into the shoe store to address some uncomfortable issues. Some simple wedges may eliminate that. It's great to have some experts at my fingertips to help with things like this.
Then this afternoon I saw a “real runner” at the coffee shop. She was refusing chocolate cake because she had a race tomorrow. “What kind of race?” I asked her. She was running an adventure race. This involves trails, mountain bike and lake swimming. It is very intense. Then she asked me if I was a runner.
“I am learning to be” was my reply.
One day I will say, “Yes, I sure am!”

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

10, 9, 9 and The Religion of Running

That was our running times for the day. I dragged myself out of bed, feeling nothing like running, but knowing I need to stick to my training. After a good stretching routine I felt a little more ready to hit the road. Once on the road, I was so relaxed. The first run was so easy we decided to go for 10 minutes. At the end of the ten minutes, we knew it was time to walk. The next two cycles we stuck with 9 minutes. They were both mostly uphill and I think 9 minutes uphill should count for 11 minuted downhill, don't you?
Today, I really enjoyed stretching before and after running. I was able to breathe deeply. Deep stretching is very relaxing. It is almost meditative. In fact running has become easier in some ways, so that I can actually be calm and think during runs now. Today I was noticing how tall and straight some of the trees were. God caused those trees to stand that way in spite of storms winds, lightning, hail and snow. I prayed that he would do the same for me. Monday when I ran I focused on the clouds above instead of the long last hill we run. I kept repeating to myself, "To you, O Lord, I lift up my eyes." Getting my eyes off of that hill and focused on God's creation gave me the strength I needed to finish.
Now if I can just take these lessons out of running and place them in real life context...

Monday, July 9, 2007

Running Family Style

Saturday was our usual group run in Cleveland Park with the iRUN folks. Only it wasn't usual for me because I had my family with me!! Only my youngest stayed with a cousin. She isn't quite ready to keep up with us. We all ran with the 8 minute run, 2 minute walk group. The park is a great place to run because the hills aren't as bad as the roads we usually run on. All of the kids were awesome. They had no trouble keeping up. Abbey said she liked running because she gets lots of compliments. She should be getting compliments, too! She hung in there and ran like a pro. If she can run like this at 8 yrs. old, imagine when she is my age! She was very determined to finish our times, too. I am happy to see all of the kids running. It's great to see them work hard for little goals and reach them. The life lessons in running are so valuable. I hope it will create a lifelong habit.
I have been thrilled to have my husband running with me. Today he had to drive to Nashville, but he ran before he left. I loved knowing that he was able to get in some good exercise before sitting in a truck for 10 hours! I know he will feel better all day for it. He's already looking better from all of this running. I think there must be something called 'runner's glow' because we all seem to have it!
We did 8 minutes run, 2 walk again today. I am ready to move on, but still feel like this is where I need to stay. I keep telling myself, "I am building a lifelong foundation, don't rush it!" Of course, it doesn't help to have all of these fast boys running with me! I have to work hard to keep up with my sons! I might have to ban them from my running time, so I will still feel fast!
Maybe not, though. It sure makes me happy to see them doing such a fantastic job.

Friday, July 6, 2007

8 Minutes Run/ 2 Minutes Walk

I was hoping to run 9, walk 1 today or maybe even run 10, walk 1. After running the 5K so easily, I was sure I could do it. But once I hit the road, I decided to take it easier rather than push myself. And for today, I am glad I did. I was paying attention to my heart rate and my level of comfort and at the eight minute mark, I knew it was time to walk. Then I thought I might run my middle cycle at 9 minutes. By the time I got to the eight minute mark, once again, I knew it was time to stop. At my last eight minute cycle, I really had to push to finish.
This was a little discouraging on one hand. Mentally, I am ready to run a marathon!! But, like Coach Jen told me, I am building a foundation to run for my life, not to get to 30 minutes by the end of the month. I want to make it a good solid foundation. I worked hard this morning. I challenged my muscles to be a little stronger and I listened to my body. For that, I am proud.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

It's Official 31:59

Apparently the official time was a little better than what I thought! Very Cool!!

The Day After

Now that the glow of finishing my first 5K has softened a little, I have some more thoughts on the race.
First of all, how do you drink a paper cup of cold water while you are running? There must be a trick to that. In fact, I think there is an art to getting the cup in the first place. I managed to time my grab just right and then jogged on a few steps figuring out how to drink it. After I choked on a gulp that went down the wrong pipe, I threw my cup in the pile. Which was another thing that bothered me. I littered! It went against my grain to throw that cup in the road, but I did it. I am sure someone comes along and cleans all of those cups up, right? Next time, I am just going to pour the water on my head.
Second of all, for those who were actually racing ( that means those who had a hope of winning it), can they cut corners? I mean a sidewalk corner cut could mean a difference of a few seconds and a win. A bush hurdle could be what puts someone in the lead.
Last thought: If Bea was my running coach, I would probably win a 5K one day! This coach was amazing!! She pushed those she was around just a little, not too much. But we all got out of our comfort zones. She gave good running advice while we were running and most importantly, she made the race a points game. Sort of like a video game. She said each person you pass counts for 1 point and each person that passes you takes off 5 of your points. She got me there. I tried not to think of it that way, but I couldn't help it. In the end, I am not sure I gained a lot of points, bit I sure tried hard not to lose any!!
The race was fun and not too hard for me. Don't get me wrong, I had to work for it and it was a challenge. I am proud of myself, too. But I am even more proud of those I saw come after me. I heard them struggling through the runs and saw them pushing as hard as they could to get to that finish line. For some of the people running this was an accomplishment they NEVER thought they could do. I am SO SO proud of them!!! I want to be like the grandmothers I saw running yesterday, never giving up!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


That's the number I saw when I ran through the finish line of my very first 5K run!!
I was feeling a little nervous when I was standing at the start line. Here I was in this crowd of hundreds of runners. Some of them were practically professional runners. Then I looked around and saw so many runners from the iRUN group. Some of them have run 5ks before and some were just doing it for the first time like me. I thought to myself if they could do it, I could do it! The firecrackers popped (After all, this was the Firecracker Frolic) and the crowd started moving. I moved with them, one step at a time. Soon I was running a good pace and feeling strong. I got to the end of my first nine minutes and was beginning to walk one minute when I heard one of the coaches behind me say not to waste my walk on a downhill. I was feeling pretty good, so I kept on running. In all, I ended up walking two full minutes and running the rest. At mile 2, I began to feel like I needed to work for this. The last 1/4 mile sweat started dripping from my forehead. I got to that last hill and I gave it my all. What an exhilarating feeling to cross that finish line with people cheering me on!! I could've run it in an hour and I would still feel just as proud. I did it, I ran a 5K!!!
Side note:
My 11 year old son came along and ran the race in 29 minutes! I was very proud of him. I hope the addiction sets in on him, too!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why run?

Why not walk or hike or bike? Why not go work out at the gym?
For me, running is freedom. I don't have to pay a monthly fee to run or arrange childcare or come to the gym during business hours. I can still be in the great outdoors that I love when I am hiking, but the time commitment is easier. I can do a thirty minute run much easier than a 2 mile hike. I can run on my road, so there is no driving time. I think I would enjoy biking also. However, I do not presently own a bike. I can throw on my running shoes and run anywhere at anytime. My heart rate goes up, oxygen flows and I am strong.
Probably one of the main reasons I run, though, is because the opportunity arose at the right time in my life. The local running group offered a free beginners time. I have been needing the physical activity and I thought it might help me deal with depression. I have received everything I hope for from running. And now I am starting to see why others are running. It has really surprised me. I have seen those running to deal with grief, health issues, and weight issues. It is exciting to see those who are struggling overcome their struggles or find peace within themselves. I am finding peace within myself.
I've also discovered the empowerment that comes with running. I am surprised at how each time I accomplish my running goals, I feel a little more able to accomplish my life goals. I remember being afraid I couldn't run five minutes without stopping, but then I ran seven without stopping. I know one day I will run 30 minutes without stopping. This gives me hope to take baby steps in other areas of my life. Now I know I can change, one step at a time.

Running on Empty

Six weeks ago I started running with a local running group. I had gained a little weight lately and been less active, so I thought this would be a great way to get back in shape. The group has coaches who are trained to work with beginners. I was starting from ground zero, so I guess I qualified as a beginner! The idea is to gradually increase our run time, with as little injury as possible, until we can run for 30 minutes straight.
Week one was running for two minutes and walking for four minutes. I did this for thirty minutes. The first two minutes were tough. I was catching my breath and watching my watch pass the seconds. But it felt so great to get my heart rate up and the oxygen flowing through my cells. I was determined I was going to stick to this.
Week two moved to three minutes running and three minutes walking. I remember feeling very proud of that extra minute. Then week three moved to four minutes running and two minutes walking. I was on top of the world. I was feeling powerful and free. The depression that had been creepeing into my life was even improving.
Then I got a little cocky and went out on a very strenuous ten mile hike. The hike was wonderful, but my body was not ready for it. My knees suffered. I was in pain when I ran and in pain when I didn't run. I decided to use RICE (rest, ice compression and elevation). It helped but the pain was still there. I began to get discouraged. I wondered if I would ever be able to catch up to the running plan. This runing thing had become so important to me and I didn't even realize it until I couldn't do it. In an attempt to not give up I went out after a week and decided to run again. It felt great to be running. I felt the strength was still there, but my knees were tense. I pushed on through and finished my run. The next day I had a foot cramp that lasted all day. I could not put any weight on that foot.
That almost became the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. I gave up for a little bit. Maybe I wasn't cut out to run after all. I didn't run for a week and a half. I became depressed at the thought of losing the ground I had gained. I became depressed at the thought of becoming more depressed without running to help me. I was about to give up when my mother-in-law convinced me that I needed to try new shoes first. So we went to the running shoe store and had the expert fit me for running shoes. It worked! I dragged myself out of bed last Saturday morning to go to the group meet. I figured if I still had pain I would just walk. I set my goal at running 5 minutes, walking two. I figured that would be pushing it, but I couldn't bear to begin again. I ran the five minutes easily and without pain!!
In fact, Monday morning I increased my run to seven minutes and did great! I am so excited! I am glad I was surrounded by people who would not let me give up. Tomorrow I run in my very first 5K run. I can't wait!!! I'll let you know how it goes and keep you updated on the ups and downs of running.
I hope to update this weekly at the very least to get the real time issues of running across to my readers. That will also keep my posts a lot shorter!