Friday, July 6, 2007

8 Minutes Run/ 2 Minutes Walk

I was hoping to run 9, walk 1 today or maybe even run 10, walk 1. After running the 5K so easily, I was sure I could do it. But once I hit the road, I decided to take it easier rather than push myself. And for today, I am glad I did. I was paying attention to my heart rate and my level of comfort and at the eight minute mark, I knew it was time to walk. Then I thought I might run my middle cycle at 9 minutes. By the time I got to the eight minute mark, once again, I knew it was time to stop. At my last eight minute cycle, I really had to push to finish.
This was a little discouraging on one hand. Mentally, I am ready to run a marathon!! But, like Coach Jen told me, I am building a foundation to run for my life, not to get to 30 minutes by the end of the month. I want to make it a good solid foundation. I worked hard this morning. I challenged my muscles to be a little stronger and I listened to my body. For that, I am proud.

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